Two experiments on salt analysis of acidic and basic radicals are given here. In this way it is written in practical copy.

Experiment No. – 03

Objective :- Identify an acidic radical and a basic radical  in the given salt.

Materials required: Test tube, filter paper, burner, spirit lamp, test tube holder, reagent etc.

Observation Table:- Identifying acidic radical –

1 mixture + dilute H2SO4 (in coldNo action on a little heatingIst group Absent
2(i) mixture + concentrated H2SO4 On slightly heatinga pungent odorous gasIInd group possible
(ii) when a glass rod dipped in NH4OH is brought to the mouth of the test tubeWhite fumes are releasedPresence of
Cl Confirmed
(iii) Mixture + dilute HNO3 + AgNO3white precipitate,
soluble in NH4OH
Presence of
Cl Confirmed
Chemical reactions involved-

2NaCl + H2SO4 ➞ Na2SO+2HCl

NH4OH + HCl ➞ NH4Cl + H2O

NaCl + AgNO3 ➞ AgCl  + NaNO3

Observation Table:– Identification of Basic radical –

1mixture + NaOH + slight heat

The smell of ammoniaNH4+
may be present
2 When a glass rods wet with NH4OH brought near mouth of test tube
White fumes producedNH4+
Chemical reactions involved-

NH4Cl + NaOH ➞ NaCl + H2O + NH3

NH3 + HCl ➞ NH4Cl

Result:- An acidic radical and a basic radical present in the given salt are as follows:

(i) Acidic radical  Cl– (chloride ion)

(ii) Alkaline radical   NH4+ (ammonium ion)

testing radicals

Experiment No. 4

Objective :- Identify an acidic radical and a basic radical  in the given salt.

Materials required: Test tube, filter paper, burner, spirit lamp, test tube holder, reagent etc.

Observation Table:- Identifying acidic radical –

1 mixture +dilute H2SO4
Colorless, odorless gas is released
with effervescence
CO3– –
may be present
2On passing above gas in lime waterLime water turns to milkyCO3– –
is present
Chemical reactions involved-

ZnCO3 + H2SO4 ➞ ZnSO4 + H2O + CO

Ca(OH)2 + CO➞ CaCO3 + H2O

Observation Table:– Identification of Basic radical –

1Salt mixture + NaOH + heat

No reactionZero group
2Original solution + dil HCl in coldwhite precipitatePb++ may be
3White ppt + KI solutionYellow precipitatePb++
Chemical reactions involved-

Pb(NO3)2 +2HCl     ➞ PbCl2    +    2HNO3

                                white ppt

PbCl2 + 2KI ➞ PbI2  + 2KCl

                               (yellow ppt)

Result:- An acidic radical and a basic radical present in the given salt are as follows:

(i) Acidic radical   CO3– –

(ii) Basic radical Pb++

Experiment No. 5

Objective :- Identify an acidic radical and a basic radical  in the given salt.

Materials required: Test tube, filter paper, burner, spirit lamp, test tube holder, reagent etc.

Observation Table:- Identifying acidic radical –

1mixture + dilute H2SO4 (in coldVinegar like smellCH3COOmay be present
2mixture + few drops of water + warm and filter, then add neutral FeCl3Solution turns greenCH3COO is confirmed
Chemical reactions involved-


3CH3COONa + FeCl3 ➞ (CH3COO)3Fe- + 3NaCl

Observation Table:– Identification of Basic radical –

1Salt mixture + NaOH + heat

No reactionZero group
2Original solution + dil HCl in coldwhite precipitatePb++ may be
3White ppt + KI solutionYellow precipitatePb++
Chemical reactions involved-

Pb(NO3)2 + 2HCl     ➞ PbCl2    +     2HNO3

                                white ppt of Lead Chloride

PbCl2  + 2KI ➞ PbI2    + 2KCl

                               yellow ppt of Lead Iodide

Chemical reactions involved-

Result:- An acidic radical and a basic radical present in the given salt are as follows:

(i) Acidic radical  CH3COO (Acetate ion)

(ii) Alkaline radical   Pb++ (Lead ion)

testing radicals