When organic compound is given as a sample to test the functional group present in it, the experiment can be written in following way in answer sheet or notebook.
Some of the important functional groups in organic chemistry are alcohol (-OH) group, aldehyde (-CHO) group, ketone (-CO-)group, carboxylic acid (-COOH) group, alkene (-C=C-) group, and alkyne group.
प्रयोग संख्या – 01
Object :- Identify the functional group present in the given organic compound.
Materials required :-Test tube, spirit lamp, test tube holder , reagents etc.
Observation table :-
S.No. | Experiment | Observation | Conclusion |
1 | Organic compound + Baeyer’s reagent (1% KMnO4) | No change in colour | organic compound is not unsaturated |
2 | Organic compound + tollen reagent + Heat | silver mirror | -CHO group present |
Chemical reactions involved :-
R-CHO + Ag2O → RCOOH + 2Ag ↓
(Silver mirror)
Result :- The functional group present in given compound is aldehyde [ -CHO ]

प्रयोग संख्या – 02
Object :- Identify the functional group present in the given organic compound.
Materials required :-Test tube, spirit lamp, test tube holder , reagents etc.
Observation table :-
क्र0सं0 | प्रयोग | प्रेक्षण | निष्कर्ष |
1 | Organic compound + Baeyer’s reagent (1% KMnO4) | No change in colour | organic compound is not unsaturated |
2 | Organic compound + ceric ammonium nitrate | No change in colour | -OH group absent |
3 | Organic compound + Ferric chloride | Violet colour | phenolic group ( -C6H5OH )group present |
रासायनिक अभिक्रियाएं :-
6C6H5OH + FeCl3 → [Fe(C6H5O)6]3– + 3HCl + 3H+
(बैंगनी रंग)
Result :- The functional group present in given compound is phenolic group [ -C6H5OH ]