Important questions for Class 11th

Important questions for Class 11th chemistry are listed here . Important questions for Class 11th Practice Questions SET-1 प्रश्न -1 मारकोनीकॉफ का नियम क्या है उदाहरण सहित बताइए ।प्रश्न -2 जल में हाइड्रोजन तथा ऑक्सीजन का प्रतिशत निकालिये ।प्रश्न -3 बेंजीन अणु ( C6H6) में तथा एसिटिलीन अणु ( C2H2) में कितने सिग्मा तथा पाई बन्ध होते…

See Chapterwise Important questions Class 12th – 2024

Chapterwise Important questions in chemistry for class 12th Chapter 1-विलयन Question-1 राउल्ट का वाष्प का दाब अवनमन नियम क्या है ? इसकी सीमाएं भी लिखिए |Question-2 परासरण क्या है ? परासरण दाब के लिए सूत्र लिखिए | 298K ताप पर डेसी मोलर यूरिया विलयन का परासरण दाब ज्ञात कीजिये | R=0.082 ली0 वायु0/डिग्री -मोलQuestion-3 हेनरी का नियम क्या…

How to write Experiment to test Functional groups

When organic compound is given as a sample to test the functional group present in it, the experiment can be written in following way in answer sheet or notebook. Some of the important functional groups in organic chemistry are alcohol (-OH) group, aldehyde (-CHO) group, ketone (-CO-)group, carboxylic acid (-COOH) group, alkene (-C=C-) group, and…

Titration Mohr salt and KMnO4

Here I am explaining , how to do Titration of Mohr’s salt (Ferrous ammonium sulphate) with KMnO4 solution. The solution whose concentration is known is called standard solution. The concentration of solution which has to be determined is called unknown solution .Unknown solution is added slowly to a certain volume of the standard solution.